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Passle's Accountancy Research Featured on AccountingWeb

AccountingWeb has featured Passle's recent research into the social media and blogging habits of the top 50 UK accounting firms.

Accountants are still bamboozled by social media and blogging, research from the content marketing platform Passle has revealed. According to the research, Grant Thornton topped the crop of firms showcasing its expertise online, with Mazars and Kingston Smith closely following. Passle analysed how the top 50 accounting firms performed online by measuring the number of knowledge pieces published, social media followers (LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter), engagement levels and their Klout scores. The top 50 firms featured in the survey produced more than 3,200 knowledge pieces in 2015. That may seem like a large number, but further Passle research found that it equated to 0.29 knowledge pieces per staff member per year – revealing the dearth of blogs or articles posted and highlighting how accountants can increase their online presence by writing more think pieces to demonstrate expertise.

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accountingweb, accountancy, accounting, social media, content marketing, blogging

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