3/20/2014 10:51:39 AM Are PRs Wasting Clients' Money? By Passle Team A SlideShare of Passle's latest research into the PR industry.
3/3/2014 2:25:45 PM Coverage and a Link in a Guardian Article By Connor Kinnear We got a link in this article in the Guardian. Think this might be from the phone interview I did before Christmas. (Apologies to...
2/4/2014 3:04:23 PM Business Blogging Study Shows Limited Capacity for Content Marketing By Passle Team Smarter Shift article mentions (and links to) Passle research.
2/4/2014 3:01:06 PM Infographic on Social Media Today By Passle Team Infographic of Passle's blogging and social media research published on Social Media Today. Over 250 tweets, and 576 reads!
2/4/2014 2:55:57 PM "Focus on curation: 3 essential tools" By Ruth Nossek Another French blogging site review of Passle, where we are listed alongside Scoop.it and Paper.li! Loosely translated (via Google...
2/4/2014 2:53:29 PM Passle Mentioned in Copywrite Now By Connor Kinnear Talks about the collaborative elements of Passle.
2/4/2014 2:51:22 PM Green Umbrella By Ruth Nossek Julia Doherty (of Green Umbrella) mentions here how she uses Passle to collect and save blog ideas to refer back to.
2/4/2014 2:48:09 PM Passle listed as a Social Publishing Tool By Ruth Nossek Robin Good lists Passle as no. 5 on his list of social publishing tools on Zeef.
2/4/2014 1:31:02 PM 'Passle an alternative to scoopit ' By Ruth Nossek A French tourism blog, posted on 12th Sept). Google Translation (of sorts) at...
2/4/2014 1:25:55 PM Fresh Business Thinking Coverage on Passle By Connor Kinnear Nice overview of the benefits of Passle, and detail on how it actually works.